Ixia was a network testing company with an end goal of becoming a network security company. We gave Ixia the integrated brand experience it needed.

The challenge

After several acquisitions of a broad range of companies that provided services including testing, visibility, and security, no one knew what Ixia did anymore. In addition to an identity problem, Ixia also wanted to steer away from the fear-based messaging and look of their security competitors. 

Our solution

We knew we needed to inspire a sense of confidence in Ixia’s customers, and get them to see Ixia as an integrated one-stop-shop for all of their network needs. We moved them away from scare tactics, and towards a feeling of optimism by using light, bright, and personal imagery. We also developed a unified and knowledgeable voice so customers would feel they were in good hands.

Within a year of our work together, Keysight Technologies, Inc. acquired Ixia for $1.6 billion.


Customer insights
Brand audit
Persona development
Refresh of brand design system
Brand book: Brand, style, and editorial guidelines
Creative direction for website design
Print collateral

“Nicole understood our needs, made strategic choices, and took insights to the next level with a design direction that feels fresh, cohesive, and captures Ixia. Nicole is a great collaborator, and we were really happy with the end result. She is a unique combination of smart, strategic, inspiring, and creative.”

Chief Marketing Officer, Keysight




Sauce Labs